Swap Calculator
Account Type:
Asset Type:
Account Currency:
No of nights:
Swap short (pips):
Swap long (pips):
How to calculate
Here is an example of swap calculation for a short EURUSD trade of 1 lot on a USD denominated account:
Calculate your swap fee by selecting the instrument you are trading, your trading account currency and the trade size. The calculator is updated on a daily basis to reflect the actual swap rates that will be charged for the day.
Swap short rate: 1.5 points
The number of nights a deal is kept open: 2
1 lot = 10,000 units
Minimum price increment (value of 1 pip): 0.00001
Swap fee = 10,000 * 1.5 * 2 * 0.00001 = 0.3 USD debited on your account